Saturday, 20 July 2019


I was 13 when two humans landed on The Moon 50 years ago today. 

Photo by Stephen Walker on Unsplash
We were on holiday in Stonehaven on the Scottish East Coast. What I remember of that momentous event is that - to my undying puzzlement and regret - my brother Malcolm and I went - or were put to - bed, and slept through the whole thing! 

Even now, I can’t understand that. I was old enough to express an interest and to ask to stay up. Did I really not understand the significance of the event? Did my parents not get it? Did I/we ask to stay up? Or did we just not have a TV in the holiday home? I honestly can't remember.

As an older teenager and adult I’ve always had an interest in space and astronomy, so in the same week that I watched a partial eclipse of The Moon through binoculars at my kitchen window, this week’s commemorative programmes and films have been a joy. 

I’m experiencing the wonder and awe of it this time round with a heightened awareness, combined with a lingering sense of regret for my younger self missing it the first time.

Hope I get to stay up for the next one...!

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